Pain on walking is a complication of an underlying disease (this is excluding pain from physical trauma or injury due to ‘over doing it’ during sports or other physical activities). There are several diseases that can result in pain on walking, which are listed in the table below. The character and description of the pain as explained in the table will give you a clue as to the possible cause of your pain on walking. However, the exact cause can only be confirmed with various tests and investigations done by a doctor. The spiritual root behind it depends on the underlying disease.

*In Severe Advanced Atherosclerosis: the narrowing of the blood vessels and impairment of blood flow is severe. Therefore the person even gets pain while they are at rest and at night. The pain typically develops in the forefoot about an hour after going to bed – this is because there is even less blood flowing to the feet due to the loss of the beneficial effects of gravity and because blood pressure falls during sleep. The person has to get up and walk around to get relief from the pain and when this happens with increasing frequency they loose a lot of sleep. The person then takes to sleeping on a chair which results in swelling of the leg. The swollen tissue then squashes the arteries closed, worsening the problem of inadequate blood supply to the leg muscles. The person ends up in a vicious cycle of pain and sleep loss. Atherosclerosis discussed on page 335.
About 40% of people who have a severe decrease in blood flow to the muscles of the legs and feet also have diabetes. In diabetes, material (calcium and hyaline) is deposited on the blood vessel walls, which narrows the blood vessels. This impairs blood flow in the vessels in the same way as atherosclerosis explained above. The spiritual root behind diabetes is explained in detail on page 432.
A Word of Advice: If you have pain on walking as a result of decreased blood flow in your arteries – exercise is very important. It promotes the development of new blood vessels and it improves your cholesterol levels by lowering the bad cholesterol and increasing the good cholesterol. Most importantly deal with the spiritual root behind atherosclerosis (which involves high cholesterol), smoking and/or diabetes to be healed permanently.
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